Now Booking Online and in London, Ontario
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Now Serving Patients in London, Ontario
100 Collip Circle, Unit 105
London ON, Canada
Update November 5 2024: I am available for in-person and virtual appointments at ATMA CENA’s clinic in London Ontario.
Virtual appointments are offered via secure video or telephone.
Telemedicine that works for you
You create at your best when you are at your best health.
The world needs your creative solutions now more than ever.
Land Acknowledgement
The space in which I work from is on the traditional territory of many nations including the Haudenosaunee, Anishinabe, Attiwonderonk and Mississauga. I am grateful to be able to work, see patients and live on this land, but I acknowledge that it is available to me in part from violent and systemically oppressive colonial forces.
Naturopathic Medicine is also largely descended from a wide variety of healing traditions, including those of the communities listed above. I will strive to learn about these traditions so that I can appropriately acknowledge and honour the contribution of Indigenous Nations to the medicines that I use in my Naturopathic practice.
I am descended from settlers on this land and commit to learning and acting to bring about equality and justice for all people, especially in health. If you have feedback for me or suggestions on how I could improve in this endeavour, please contact me.