Create to Connect
With increasing lockdowns and colder weather, many people will be feeling lonely and isolated this winter.
We might not be able to have each other over for dinner or chat at a cafe, but there are still ways we can connect.
This winter I suggest creating to connect.
Everyone has creative powers:
✨To imagine
✨To redesign
✨To write, type or read aloud
✨To draw, collage or photograph
And within each creation is a piece of its author: how they see the world, what they feel or think, their humour and their style.
You don’t have to be ‘pro’ to make something that resonates with people.
You Definitely don’t have to be pro to show someone how much you care by taking the time to make something for them. Creating and sharing is an essential human activity.
Photo of a palm being painted red.
You have already experienced connection from creative work
Think of how you feel when you listen to Hallelujah or see a photograph of a mountain lit by the moon. Think of how you feel when your niece draws you a picture or your neighbour goes all-out on their Christmas light display.
No matter the quality of the artistry, you can feel or see something similar to how the artist may have experienced it and that shared experience connects you! Even though our stories are unique, our hearts have a lot in common.
Gif of a yellow ball moving from one person’s heart space to another’s.
So if you’re feeling lonely or want to care for someone who might be, consider making something to share. 🌈
If this idea scares you, stay tuned for more posts on creating and vulnerability!
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